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June 30 2015 2 30 /06 /June /2015 14:11

By Stanley Collymore


Once we were total strangers; our individual

existences entirely unknown to each other

and our separate lives complete worlds apart;

yet from that first encounter, not by any

means the easiest of situations, has

developed an interesting and

mutually rich meeting of minds,

which has gradually led to a

harmonious serenade of reassurance

between us and an exceptionally

strong empathy of the heart.


© Stanley V. Collymore

7 July 2001.


Authors Comments:

Physical love notwithstanding its merits and importance in the lives of many people isn’t by any stretch of the imagination the only or even exclusively the one form of comprehensible love that needs to be acknowledged, accepted and glorified, as those of you who’ve gone past that stage, if indeed you were ever involved in such a simplistic state of affairs, will self-assuredly know. And therefore to fully embrace love in all its constructive and perceptible revelations and similarly to everyone who participates in them, perhaps you might like to regard this poem as an unequivocal expression of those specific sentiments.

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