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June 18 2011 6 18 /06 /June /2011 11:06

Sleepwalking into Armageddon!



By Stanley Collymore


Murder of any sort is insupportable under all circumstances except in extreme case of self-defence to protect one’s own life that of a family member, close friend or innocent individual or group of them whose lives are seriously threatened; this dictum however positively excludes premeditated murder in any situation by anyone, groups of persons or any organisation, civil or military, under any circumstance.


The sanctity of life is therefore and understandably so precious to every individual irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, race, social class, educational background, skin colour, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or none at all, nationality, place of birth, cultural identity, state of health, physical and or mental disabilities, political doctrine and affiliations or an absence of these, social mobility and age, and therefore every society, community and national entity which justifiably sees itself as civilized has in place well defined legal and social structures to ostracize and punish on conviction those who wilfully or recklessly take the lives of others, just as they work assiduously to keep such structures in place while revisiting them periodically to find ways of improving them in the light of prevailing circumstances and responsibly ensure that the core elements and modifications of these vitally important structures forever act as a permanent bulwark against the baser instincts of human kind.


It’s called the rule of law and to which we’re all of us equally and legally answerable if we flout or break the enshrined tenets therein; an obvious procedural but none the less basic mechanism that is supposed to differentiate us from the crude and instinctive conduct of less sentient mammals that also jointly share our planet Earth with other life forms. That’s the theory anyway, since practice all too frequently is very much different from supposition however noble the latter might be.


Throughout the ages mankind has both witnessed and also participated in a multiplicity of bestial, barbaric, horrifically murderous and downright unspeakable acts of humanity that were invariably committed against the background of other vile and premeditated crimes of such all-encompassing and horrendous nature that by no stretch of the imagination could they have been remotely seen as harbingers of man’s enlightenment let alone his finest hour. But though it all and basically by trial and error the human species has nevertheless survived, and out of these collective traumas that it has experienced elements of it have emerged from these ordeals which after thoughtful reflection on their part sensibly concluded that there had to be a more effective, constructive and productive way of dealing with and even efficaciously managing the crises that humanity was interminably confronted with than just wantonly and nonsensically settling real or perceived differences through indiscriminate brute force.


Unfortunately however that remit apparently didn’t envisage and therefore couldn’t have devised an effective formula for purposefully combating and even eradicating bogus differences skilfully but conspiratorially contrived as real and potentially intractable ones which needed extraordinary measures to oppose and vanquish them, then dishonestly portrayed and ruthlessly promulgated as such with the clear and specific aim of markedly achieving and permanently sustaining an unjust advantage over a fabricated and fraudulently hyped opponent.


That was particularly obvious during the colonialist period orchestrated at large against several countries across the world, particularly in Africa, by imperialist-minded and obsessively addicted to power at any cost European states, a phenomenon that is still very evident today by these same rogue countries unquestionably supported in their joint perspective by their white Caucasian settler progenies, notably the United States of America, Canada, Australia, Israel and New Zealand, all of whom however have no compunction whatsoever of ludicrously, arrogantly, dishonestly and quite hubristically in the face of commonsense, objective analysis and simple reality itself masquerading themselves as civilized entities, and what’s more  insufferably coercing others to think likewise of them, and if they don’t then resorting to churlishly and even childishly taking to berating, vilifying, concocting and promulgating all manner of lies about them, and worse of all deviously resorting to arbitrarily and wholly illegally depriving such persons of their lives.


Yet while behaving in this totally unwholesome and utterly barbaric fashion these aforementioned countries and the people who actually run them unsurprisingly go to extraordinary lengths in their increasing paranoid state of mental instability to create their own individual police state equipped with its panoply of oppressive laws specifically designed to protect not only their own despicable lives and wrongdoings but also the lives of those who are precious to them, while at the same time they assiduously, perceptibly and deliberately chip away at the very laws, customs observances and freedoms  that genuinely constitute a truly democratic and civilized society.


Britain, and mostly England it is fair to say, has for example 20% of the accumulative sum total of all the world’s CCTV cameras in operation, 4.5 million of them to be precise in a population of 60 million people; China in marked contrast and a country which successive British governments and the British media repeatedly slam and denounce as a police state impervious they claim to human rights has two million CCTV cameras nationally but a population of 1.5 billion inhabitants. And it is well documented that on average the ordinary Briton is caught of British CCTV cameras around a staggering 300 times a day; in the US meanwhile as well as the Patriot Act that extensively strips most Americans of their enshrined constitutional rights it is now additionally considered illegal by the authorities there to dance however innocuously so around the Thomas Jefferson memorial. Yet I don’t know of a single evangelical or Pentecostal church congregation anywhere in the world, let alone in the US, the UK, Africa or the Caribbean for example, where fervent Christian worshippers paying homage to the Almighty God, far more omnipotent and praiseworthy a being I would have thought than Thomas Jefferson ever was or could have been, who when the ecstasy of the love that they have for their God grabs them during their worship of him don’t instinctively dance and sing to the glory of their maker; and therefore I can’t envisage any priest or pastor, however dim-witted or reactionary he or she might be, that would want to stop them from doing so on the lame pretext that they were being disrespectful to the Lord; yet according to the imbeciles who run the United States Thomas Jefferson is effectively more important than the Lord himself. How asinine can one get, I ask you?


This against the backdrop of a world beset with numerous and very pressing problems, loads of them quite unnecessary in the making, and all of them caused either directly or through surrogate means by these same idiotic, paranoid and completely venal cretins whose positions in power have been handsomely bought and paid for them by a coterie of enormously rich, privileged, pampered and powerful people openly fronted by organizations and institutions that they exclusively control and which range from bodies like AIPAC, other Zionist lobby groups and rightwing think tanks to corrupt institutions under the protective umbrella of Wall Street, the London and other major EU Stock Markets and of course the banks, and everyone of them ably and unquestionably supported by the Zionist controlled western media, NATO, the ICC kangaroo court and the distinctly corrupt and incompetent  United Nations. And rather than seriously and constructively address and put to right the frightful mess that successive US administrations over several decades now have created worldwide, to watch these intellectually challenged and morally bankrupt US lawmakers directing their natural penchant for viciousness and spitefulness into unleashing their brutish police thugs to indiscriminately and violently beat up on innocent civilians simply exercising their constitutional right of peaceful assembly just illustrates what scared individuals they really are, how profoundly they’ve lost the plot when it actually comes to dealing with reality, and how far beyond the pale of redemption they’ve voluntarily ensconced themselves; people who quite frankly need to be got rid of.


Britain doesn’t have a written constitution and while every prescient-minded Briton thinks it’s high time that we had one that expressly spells out the rights and responsibilities of every British citizen and resident of this island nation as well as specifically outlines the powers and limitations of those who govern us, there are more than enough precedents in our legal and political systems buttressed by common law observances, the rule of law and, of course, Magna Charta to make absolutely sure that even without a written constitution abuses of power, particularly those instigated by or on the behalf of the state aren’t only to be viewed as morally indefensible but must also be unequivocally condemned as utterly wrong and unreservedly deserving of the most stringent punishment.


No citizen of Britain, including myself, has the right or should he or she regardless of how exalted they might think they are, be permitted or conceitedly assume that they can arrogate to themselves the right to go around deliberately breaking the law or incite others to do the same; and this dictum applies uniformly to a range of offences from petty ones like being a nuisance in a public place to much more serious crimes like murder and treason; and as a purportedly civilized nation that most Britons would subscribe to the notion that we generally are, I’m quite positive that the majority of my fellow countrymen and women would support that point of view.


Similarly, we also believe in the inherent principle that anyone accused of a single or even multiple wrongdoings and especially serious crimes that however weighty these are and while it’s perfectly in order for that individual on the receipt of a compliant by the lawful legal authorities, namely the police, to be arrested, cautioned and is as such entitled by them to be questioned in the presence of a legal representative if he or she as for one, or someone from their embassy if the arrested person is a foreigner, concerning the matter or matters under police investigation and on which that person is being held in custody; that the accused has the mandatory right to remain silent at all times when questioned and can be charged with a specific or specified crimes if there’s a prime face case to be answered, can then be arraigned, brought at the earliest opportunity before a duly constituted court, asked to substantiate his or her personal details and enter a plea of guilty or not guilty; granted or refused bail at the court’s discretion taking into full consideration the seriousness of the charge, the possibility of the defendant being a flight risk or someone likely to intimidate potential witnesses, or might even be at risk himself or herself from vigilante groups or others seeking revenge; but whatever is decided by the court in relation to granting bail or dismissing an application for it or where no such application has be made that accused individual nevertheless is legally in the eyes of the law innocent until proven guilty beyond any shadow of a doubt. And were he or she to be subsequently convicted of the crime of which they were accused they do have the right of appeal against their conviction and sentence if they choose to exercise it.


This is to ensure that governments in Britain cannot easily, or shouldn’t be able to, either of their own volition or acting on the behalf of the privileged, powerful and elite who they economically sell their souls to, just as they kowtow to their every whim, fancy and demand to safeguard their immense financial and corporate interests, don’t have an open licence to freely abuse the justice system for completely jaundiced reasons more attributable to the abuse of power than anything remotely to do with justice, moral probity or the rule of law.


That’s the principle anyway; however as more Britons increasingly and despairingly come to find out to their cost, and as Britain’s population incredulously sleep walks into the nightmarish hell of one of the most despicable police states possible whose genesis began under the primeministership of Maggie Thatcher, continued under that of Jim Callaghan, was immensely strengthened through the stewardship of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, and has alarmingly accelerated apace under the fascist rule of David Cameron and his acquiescent dummy Nick Clegg, the rule of law has all but disappeared in the UK even though there’s a great pretence on the part of those who’ve degraded and brought it to the dangerous state it’s now in to erroneously give the impression that it’s alive and well, and not on the life-support that those who really care about Britain, all of its people and how our country is perceived in the rest of the world have against all the odds managed to put in place to stop this key element of civilized conduct from completely dying off at the hands of neo-Nazis like David Cameron, those in his cabinet, and the rest of their ilk.


To fully grasp and get a comprehensive understanding of the damage they’ve collectively inflicted and like the drug obsessed addicts on a fix, not by any means a preposterous analogy since most if not all of them are known to have taken illicit drugs in the past and it’s a fair bet they’re still doing so, have created an entire litany of events that have increasingly and seemingly intractably become commonplace in the UK, and indisputably have markedly contributed to and are now synonymous with the typical police state that the powers that be have intentionally but short-sightedly fashioned modern Britain and more especially England into. Here are just three examples of what I mean:


1. There’s now a significantly corrupt and thuggish police force in the UK with the London based Metropolitan Police Force in the vanguard of this unseemly state of affairs and led by a placement nonentity Police Commissioner that has turned Britain’s largest police force into a highly and quite unjustifiable politicized arm of the Con-Dem coalition government headed by David Cameron, and is either oblivious to but more likely is totally uncaring of the fact that the role of the British police isn’t a political one; that the British police are legally obliged to be impartial at all times in all their dealings with members the public; that universities and colleges are academic institutions not only designed for higher learning but also as platforms for free speech and the testing of all rational and controversial deliberations, a sure fire method of advancing the mind as well as human possibilities and advancements and shouldn’t be seen and worst still used as a snooping venue by the police and the installation of their accursed CCTV cameras to assuage their bloody paranoia and bigoted Nazi proclivity for the sinister and unwarranted control of other people’s lives and activities; and just as crucial in all this should remember there’s such a thing as the constitutional separation of powers.


2. A crown prosecution service where cronyism and favouritism are alive and endemic; probity unheard of; and prosecutions if they take place at all are subjective and politically motivated.


3. The joint chiefs of the British armed forces: another bunch of unelected toffs like those at Nos.1 and 2 who nowadays routinely and patronizingly usurp the proper and intended role of parliament and are allowed to get away with it, and with their like-minded associates in the executive branch of government determine the UK’s foreign policy, haughtily overlooking and even dismissing the fact that it’s not the task of military chiefs in a supposed liberal democracy like Britain’s to either engage in political activities or publicly make political statements of any kind while still a serving member of the British armed forces let alone pressure the government of the UK into following a particular course of action even when it’s known to be illegal. Those are decisions for MPs.


However should these military chiefs still want to make a political contribution irrespective of how useless this might be to the general political debate going on in the country, then they ought first to resign their commissions, quit the branch of the armed forces they’re in, settle for civilian life like the rest of us, and as such be at liberty like everyone else to put their case and the validity of what they’re saying to the verdict of the ballot box if they so choose, and not blatantly use their military positions to give an air of authenticity to their elitist and imperialist bigotry. The armed forces of the United Kingdom aren’t our political masters and that is particularly so of their military chiefs; they’re in effect answerable to us and civilian rule, and as such Mr Prime Minister they are meant and expected to be apolitical.


But starting with Tony Blair, a policy that was mindlessly proceeded with by Gordon Brown and is now enthusiastically taken up and implemented by David Cameron, because it’s quite innate to his disposition of separatist, elitist entitlement, we’re increasingly witnessing in Britain government at national level that isn’t through proper debate and consensus where both houses of parliament and particularly our elected MPs of whatever political persuasion and from across the whole spectrum of political parties which are physically represented in the House of Common have their legitimate say, but rather government by decree that itself stems from the decisions of a coterie of privileged, like-minded insiders and were arrived at during a somewhat insular decision making process.

Decisions that while indifferently disregarding the real concerns of the ordinary members of the public none the less cravenly and emphatically reflect the vested interests as articulated and even dictated by the paid lobbyists and venal conduits of the ill-gotten gains that the creators of these favourable decisions in turn receive for their bountiful assistance to their paymasters, of the huge multinational corporations, the military industrial complex, the oil companies and, of course, the ubiquitous high street banks and other financial institutions which individually and collectively have done so much to con  and economically ruin us all while at the same time raking in at an unstoppable rate a gargantuan pile of massive profits ably assisted in this endeavour through the unquestioning help of our corrupt elected officials.


What grovelling servitude on the part of David Cameron’s ilk and especially from a man who likes to and actually revels in the spurious claim that he’s a direct descendant of William the Conqueror, not something that sane or rational person would be proud of in their own case even if it were true since William and his Norman hordes weren’t even the Frenchmen they passed themselves off as but were in effect Norsemen: Scandinavians who were summarily kicked out  of Scandinavia, in particular Sweden and Denmark, because they were regarded by their own kith and kin there, none other than the Vikings, as much too brutal and barbaric in their usual dealings with ordinary people and as such not worthy to have around. This would be akin in the context of our modern world for example to being kicked out of the US’s Ku Klux Klan, France’s National Front, the UK’s British national Party and English Defence League, or South Africa’s apartheid era the National party for being too racist towards Blacks and other non-whites, or Israel’s Kadima Party for being much too Zionist and beastly to the Palestinian people.


Thus dislodged from their homeland these now homeless wanderers were eventually given refuge in France, but true as ever to their barbaric nature they quickly turned on their French hosts and in astounding acts of sedition and treachery completely took over and began governing France as if it were their own country. So only someone with a similar mindset as these unwholesome , vicious and mindless thugs would consider these renegade Vikings, aka the Normans, as absolute or even passable role models and therefore folk to be emulated, which ought to give any sentient individual a true insight into David Cameron’s own mind; and while it’s perfectly true that none of us had or could ever have had any input into who our authentic let alone our fallacious ancestors were, to go that extra distance as David Cameron has done in a kind of one-upmanship  to say that his pedigree is far superior, greater and much better than that of most if not all of the rest of us Britons is at best just plain idiotic and it its worst obtuse and bizarre.


But I know exactly why he’s doing this. It’s to stake an absurd and erroneous claim that he has an omnipotent pedigree and aristocratic warrior leader’s birthright to rule over us mere peasants, as he perceives most of Britain’s population to be. Well I’ve news for you bwana Cameron this is 2011 and not 1066 and the divine right of anyone to arbitrarily rule over another person whether this act is voluntary acceded to or not means bugger all to the likes of me and gets short shrift as well, and frankly I don’t mind telling you so Monsieur le baron.


Second, official statistics show that in the 21st Century some 36% of British females, and about the same it is reckoned for their mainland European counterparts, frequently cuckold their husbands or live-in partners producing and then naming these men as the biological fathers of the children that these women have conceived but which their husbands or partners didn’t sire and furthermore are kept totally ignorant of that fact. Quite a lot of illicit, dishonest and unfaithful bonking I would say Mr Cameron, adding significantly to the other forms of bastardy that already permeates the UK; so how the hell then can you categorically claim and with absolute conviction let alone assert against the backdrop of all the bonking that evidently took place during 1066 and subsequently and has in turn from the personal perspective of many people I’ve spoken to, led to your utterly useless life in contemporary Britain has been faithful, honest, consensual, moral, occurred on the right side of the sheet so to speak and utterly kosher?


Do you know, just for argument’s sake, how many British mothers incapable of having children of their own adopted other people’s children who afterwards were never told by their adopted parents that they were adopted? And putting you on the spot David have you ever DNA tested your known immediate ancestors: mum, dad (now dead I know) or grandparents? And in case you decide to do a reverse of that and throw the same question back at me, the answer is a categorical yes in respect of my own immediate ancestors, other close relatives and myself, so I know with absolute certainty who exactly I am. But then I don’t go around making outlandish claims, or do I have any desire or inclination to, in respect of my own bloodline, which I’m quite happy with if you must know.


So take my advice David and get real; cut all the 1066 crap unless you can provide incontrovertible DNA proof to substantiate your assertions about you being the pristine product of a series of moral unions that constitute your aristocratic bloodline as it really doesn’t make much sense or wash with me. Not that it should or that I care a fig about your obsessive fantasies, it’s simply that you’re the prime minister of our country and it deeply worries me that instead of competently administering it on sensible, pragmatic lines for the benefit of all of us who live, work and pay our taxes in the UK you want to take us back to the 11th Century, while at the same time representing yourself as some kind of warrior monarch. That’s utterly lunatic David, and besides we already have a constitutional monarch in Queen Elizabeth II.


Third, you and your spouse Samantha produced between you a quite severely disabled child that is now dead and buried; hardly the kind of DNA or genetic material requisite to support your haughty notions of being atop the tree of what you both consider as the Master Race let alone a convincing argument or advertisement much less a worthy one for that, from you perspective I would imagine, exclusive racial and dare I say racist club. This Nazi crap was supposed to have died out at the end of World War II and was what several of my close relatives fought against and some of them died to eradicate, as did millions of others not only in the UK but from across the then British Empire: 2 million Indians, the largest volunteer, military armed forces in the history of mankind; hundreds of thousands of sub-Saharan Africans, Afro-Caribbeans and thousands more African Americans even as the jackboots of British and other European colonialism compounded by legalized white North American racism, segregation’ lynching and Jim Crowism respectively were repressively pressed against their own necks and as such they could either have silently stood back, kept their distance and pray to God for a plague on both warring houses: the Nazis and the Allies, as they sat the war out or adopt the attitude of the Southern Irish that my enemy’s enemy is my friend and morally at least side with the Germans; but they didn’t, and even though their vast contribution in respect of the war has still not been fully recognized 65 years after the event and is still circumscribed in the so-called mainstream western media, films and documentaries about the war and in the educational arena, no amount of revisionism can alter an indivisible truth.


As someone who in the past has voluntarily worked with those who looked after the physically and mentally handicapped I wasn’t being nor would I be so insensitive as to make light of anyone with disabilities of any kind, since I know from firsthand experience what these disabilities entail for all those who unfortunately suffer with them as well as their relatives and carers for whom they’re all-pervasive causes of deep and ongoing concerns. None the less, such individuals do on average I’ve discovered tend to show a much greater understanding of life and sympathy for the plight of others including strangers than the everyday person tends to. That’s the general rule; but of course there’s no accounting for uncouth conduct and selfishness. The British public and others were expected by you and Samantha Mr Cameron to empathize with and share your anguish and sense of loss when your disabled son died of natural causes, and you regaled the rest of us with the trauma and rather harrowing experiences you endured as parents, and many people did from the perspective of a life having been lost. But for all that David you haven’t expressed an iota of concern or compassion for the murderous elimination of innocent lives many of them children that you’ve personally cut short in your premeditated theatres of undeclared war, the latest of these being Libya, where your totally barbaric, Zionist-inspired, colonialist and imperialist warmongering fervour themselves juxtaposed with your racist proclivities and compounded by those of your collegial and likeminded immature friends and allies are given full rein.


This against the background of the active role which Britain is currently playing in Bahrain whose butcher sheik, as regal as you think you are David, you’re grotesquely selling enormous quantities of arms and other oppressive equipment to as he cold-bloodedly and methodically subjugates, jails, imprisons tortures and kills large sections of the majority population of the country that his family usurped, took absolute control of , which it still exclusively exerts and rules with an iron hand, and all this with more than a little help from its friend Britain; while next-door, in what is grandiosely called Saudi Arabia, Britain liberally assists another despotic family giving it all the latest state of the art weaponry it wishes to buy while at the same time tarnishing the name and reputation of the British military  by having it train Saudi execution units in all the relevant techniques they ask for as invading forces of neighbouring Bahrain to brutally quell peaceful Bahraini protests in demand of the same human rights, components of democracy, freedom of expression, dignity and the right of peaceful assembly and all of the rest of it that you David quite sanctimoniously and ad nauseum preach to those countries, regimes and the leaders of them that refuse to bend the knee of servitude to global, hegemonistic aspirations Britain and its Caucasian allies.


Even going as far as to rather childishly get your obsequious stuffed shirts at Ofcom: risibly the so-called independent body that among other duties that few people know of and care even less about is supposedly meant to regulate broadcasting in the UK, although its official writ does not apply to the BBC, and in tandem with Ofcom and your craven allies at the NatWest Bank, as Wikileaks the whistleblower previously warned us would be the case, orchestrate a manufactured situation to put off the air in the United Kingdom the Iranian owned Press TV broadcaster. Predictably so, as Press TV has been an unwitting thorn in the side of these hypocrites since it is the only broadcaster in the UK that has the guts to show the news as it really is, something which the corporate media like the BBC, Sky, France 24, CNN and the rest of them both collectively as well as individually and with a matching Zionist agenda to that of these western governments resolutely refuse to show, and in what others and myself think is downright envy and spite on the part of these people in relation to Press TV loathe its outstanding and non-judgemental interaction with its viewers and of course the wide audience participation, trustworthiness and huge respect that the channel in turn commands in the west and which these governments are fully cognisant that their corporate media just can’t rival in their present format and through their prescriptive broadcasting and therefore fear; and not least because Press TV is delivering a narrative that is completely different from the lies and deceptions that are commonplace on the corporate channels and which fit in with the agenda of their political masters.


What defenders of liberty and free speech juxtaposed with the freedom of the media these western crusaders are as they turn a blind eye to the blatant and barbaric crackdown of these same liberties in Bahrain, the Yemen and that bastion of democracy and human rights Saudi Arabia but publicly demand them in Syria, Iran, Cuba and even countries like Venezuela where their writ doesn’t run because the local people and their governments are very much aware of the west’s hypocrisy and can see for themselves how they stifle these said liberties in several countries globally even taking to bombing as they did quite recently, in June 2011, the Libyan state broadcasting corporation, and the UK’s treatment of Press TV at the behest of the United States administration.


But no one who knows the facts will be surprised by any of these goings on. Ofcom gets much of its money from the corporate broadcasters it’s meant to regulate so by no objective analysis can it be honestly described as an independent body or impartial regulator since it is clearly operating in a situation where there’s an apparent conflict of interests; something which David Cameron as its putative boss evidently knows a great deal about. Remember the hype around his much publicized trip to Egypt but only after the young revolutionaries there had finally managed to get rid of Hosni Mubarak? How he ostentatiously visited Tahrir Square the focal point of the revolutionary protests and did so in the full glaze of the western media? It was a completely dishonest, duplicitous, highly staged managed and cynical move to disingenuously give the lying impression that Britain and he David Cameron in particular were glad the revolution had occurred and Cameron himself from the very outset had been thoroughly supportive of the scores of thousands of revolutionaries who had thronged in Tahrir Square demanding the removal of Mubarak and his cronies. This was a blatant lie of course and reality couldn’t have been more different; nevertheless it was effectively the first shot over the revolutionaries’ bow that Britain and its allies in the west, notably the US, would do everything they could to hijack the revolutionaries nascent triumph now that their strongman who they had supported for over three decades in his brutal suppression of the Egyptian people was no longer in charge.


Old habits die hard and inveterate warmongers like leopards can’t change their spots, for even as David Cameron was going though his well rehearsed congratulatory motions in respect of Egypt’s young revolutionaries he had with him in tow a coterie of very prominent British arms dealers that he was touring North Africa and the Middle East with. That’s like a fire station chief who on being notified of a major fire in his jurisdiction rather than sending appropriate water tenders to put it out decides instead to dispatch a number of Total, BP, Exxon Mobil and Texaco petrol laden tankers to supposedly do the job. In these and other circumstances I’ve earlier outlined at length Mr Cameron put yourself in the shoes of the average person and ask yourself if someone else was doing exactly what you’re doing and in the process occasioning indescribable harm to others including yourself and members of your family, wouldn’t you feel justified to wish that person, his wife and progeny and even accounting for the 36% caveat of undisclosed bastardy I earlier referred to, together with all of those associated with him and were complicit in his crimes a permanent place in hell, there to rot for all eternity? Or do you consider yourself by reason of your supposed pedigree bloodline and its attendant privileged background, and of course finding yourself the prime minister of a country where class divisions even in the 21st Century are still endemic that these advantages automatically put you and yours above the law, which you none the less insist that the rest of us must obey?


Your double standards are mindboggling David. There you are in the vanguard of accelerating this country of ours further into a police state yet you dishonestly decry, and do so publicly, the lack of democracy in the Middle East with Israel of course being the one exception which without fail you and your western buddies always cite as a glowing example of the way that things should be – but you would wouldn’t you? – deliberately deceiving the British public generally into thinking that if only these uncouth Arabs consciously made the effort to be to like us all their problems and those of the Middle East in particular and North Africa generally would simply dissolve and melt away, peace, stability and prosperity would rein supreme and everyone would be happy.


However the barefaced lie that you and your ilk propagate David is far removed from the reality of the situation that daily confronts the daily lives of these people, namely that they too aspire to and desperately want true democracy for themselves and all that it entails; yearn like the rest of us here in the west for human rights, freedom of expression and the right of peaceful assembly, dignity and the fundamental right to govern themselves; to freely and democratically have the right to elect and remove their leaders through their collective expression at the ballot box; to be able to exercise full and decisive management of their lives and national resources; to have their voices heard and their opinions respected in all international forums that they are members of; yes to have peace, stability and the immutable right and guarantee to national security within their own sovereign, independent states and to be properly and equitably governed by the rule of law administered by competent and impartial officials that are ultimately answerable to the people themselves and not state officials or other powerful or influential vested interests either within the country itself or outside of it and that immutably operate under the strict principle of the separation of executive, legislative and judicial powers and completely free, as all sovereign states are meant to be, of the unwarranted intrusion or unreasonable interference through whatever pretext or means of their perfectly legitimate domestic and international affairs.


These are the sorts of inalienable rights which you want for yourself, Samantha, your children and others whom you perceive as being like you David and therefore are deserving of them, and what’s more expect to have them as a matter of right to enjoy unmolested; and the stark reality is that you do and undoubtedly make the most of them, for starters you don’t live in social housing and don’t have to worry where the next penny is coming from to make ends meet, and would be hard-pressed to identify let alone empathize with such people, yet they represent a substantial part of the British landscape. So logic dictates that if you and those like you can’t even identify with significant tracts of your own populations how then can you feel anything for people who are racially different from you and that you intuitively regard as being inferior in everyway to yourselves? That’s why there’s such an entirely different scenario and narrative in the way that Britain currently run by the likes of you and supported unquestioningly by NATO, the ICC, IMF, WTO; the right of veto and attendant with this their corrupting influence but none the less permanent residence status in the UN Security Council of an outdated and out of touch elite of overwhelmingly Caucasian members together with the industrial military complex, the powerful Zionist lobbies, Wall Street and the entire panoply of capitalist, financial institutions, your tame domestic judiciary, thuggish police forces and biddable media behave towards the Middle East and have been doing so for decades now, just as their white predecessors did to Blacks and other non-whites for centuries, with the assistance of Arabs I might add. Poetic justice perhaps?


So despite all your fancy rhetoric about human rights and democracy for those around the world I don’t buy it David because it’s not what you and your ilk want. There’s an old English adage that I’m sure you’re quite familiar with: actions speak louder than words. Need I say anymore? So as far as what you’re saying and the words that you’re using these are all just pseudonyms that you cynically play with, just like you do with the term al-Qaida to justify your colonialist, imperialist mindset and lying postures in order to secure or sustain an economic and or military hegemonistic stranglehold of those countries and regions you’ve targeted in order to deprive them of whatever is meaningful, just and right for them while at the same time using the al-Qaida brand name that you have so effectively created in the west as a handy device to coerce, con and consistently instil fear into your respective domestic population always ready to believe what you tell them, knowing full well that as the credulous dupes which many of them manifestly are you’ll get their unquestioning and mindless support to further reinforce your police state and ironically increasingly restrict their own rights and freedoms as you continue to march inexorably towards the full-blooded creation of a big brother society and the automatic control of every facet of their private and working lives.


It was always been an open secret that the insecurity and paranoia of the United States indicate that that country always has to have an enemy to demonize and fight with and when it can’t believably find one it immediately sets about creating one regardless of how daft or incongruous its jaundiced reasoning is, and with the fall of communism and that particular bogeyman that the US authorities could and did effectively con the largely ill-informed US public with and itself basically unaware and uncaring about almost everything that doesn’t happen in the United States, the US lawmakers  without exception and at every level of government and themselves deeply and venally embedded in the financial pockets of entities like the industrial military complex, AIPAC and Wall Street for example had to find other prominent bogeyman to frighten their childish electorate into submission and al-Qaida fitted the bill adequately. So much so that the United States broke as it is, is spending some three trillion dollars a year of borrowed communist Chinese money (please don’t laugh as it is rather pathetic when looked at seriously bearing in mind all the venom and hateful rhetoric that every US administration directed towards communism in the past and Congress still does) to fight an imaginary enemy. No wonder that the Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank. The worry for me David is that a matured country like Britain has chosen to go along with this nonsense, for had the US been an individual acting in this bizarre way instead of being a bullying superpower in the militaristic sense that individual in Britain at any rate would have been compulsorily sectioned off to a mental institution and more likely than not a maximum security one like Broadmoor; and even as a middle ranking country the US would have been studiously ignored and considered to be beyond the pale as far as civilized nations were concerned. Little wonder then the lot of you don’t want for anyone outside your privileged club to have powerful nuclear weapons. Think on that!


You are the prime minister of our country Mr Cameron; the electorate of Britain, however didn’t give you a mandate to be such but you and your political party, the Tories, expediently formed an alliance with the Liberal Democrats (Lib-Dems) who’d been in the political wilderness for as long as anyone alive can remember and consequently they were keen to sell their own mothers let alone their souls to be in government once again, even as a very junior partner therein. Together you then formed a coalition government that many people in Britain don’t much care for, but for all that the parliamentary arithmetic was on your side and for the time being still is, so they pragmatically held their collective noses and democratically accepted your marriage of convenience; and as the leader of the party with the largest number of MPs in this somewhat opportune coalition you became the prime minister of our country.


But as much as I personally loathe what you and your Conservative Party represent Mr Cameron, and I’m not alone in that sentiment within the UK, I will none the less defend to the last drop of my blood your right, as outlined in the previously mentioned circumstances, to be Prime Minister of Britain; and were some foreign government or regimes to arbitrarily or in any other way for that matter seek to physically remove you from office and particularly through the odious and unlawful concept of regime change I’d be among the first to spring to your defence and resist all such moves on their part. This is because the United Kingdom is a sovereign, independent country and affairs, especially our domestic ones, should and must be determined by its citizens and voters and not by outsiders however well-intentioned but more likely than not maliciously motivated their personal designs on our country are. And were you David to be considered unfit to be the prime minister of our country it’s for the British electorate in a general election and through the ballot box as it did with Gordon Brown to remove you. However, if the matter was so serious that the country could not wait for another general election when it was due to be held we have the fundamental right to petition parliament to remove you through a vote of no confidence or have you impeached; and in a dire emergency the Queen can exercise her reserve right to remove you, suspend parliament and call fresh elections as she constitutionally did through her Governor-General in Australia a while back. That’s how it is and what you’re quite familiar with David.


So tell me then, how the hell do you Mr Cameron, your eager partners in crime and NATO justify your illicit and unwarranted interference in the internal affairs of Libya? And I don’t want to hear all the crap rhetoric about your authorization coming from the United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1973; that’s not true! That resolution specifically authorized a no fly zone and not the indiscriminate bombing of Libya or the murder of its citizens who you were supposed to protect. Besides these resolutions are always politically motivated and this one was no different; and what we have is a feckless UN Secretary General and five veto wielding states that play pin pong with the lives of the rest of the world and it’s all done in their own particular vested interests. The UN resolution was sponsored by Britain and France with the explicit support of the United States and tacit backing from China and Russia and with the other non permanent members that are currently on the UN Security Council that make up the rest of the number that you must have being bought of by the United States, Britain and France. So your influence is phenomenal in so much that you draft the resolution yourselves, know that it will be passed in a chamber with a useless secretary general as its titular head, that you can with the snap of your fingers bring undue pressure to bear on the non permanent members infatuated like pubescent school girls to among the senior boys so to speak, knowing that as a last resort you have the authority to quite arbitrarily veto any measure put forward in a UN resolution or the entire resolution itself, as the United States undertook to do, over widespread condemnation of continued Israeli unlawful settlement of Palestinian land, if you dislike what’s proposed even if it’s the popular and majority view of the other members.


So what’s the big deal about you shouting your mouth off David about UN resolutions regardless of how partially they might mesh with your perverse aspirations? For the love of God man, you in the form of the United Kingdom, the United States, France, China and Russia collectively own the bloody United Nations and especially its Security Council, so don’t act all innocent as if you aren’t aware of this and consequently what goes on there is somehow the objective consensus of the rest of humanity; it isn’t! And if you genuinely want to be a stickler for UN resolutions David whether in the implementation or the actual observance of these shouldn’t you first be having a friendly but reproving word in the ear of your Zionist enfant terrible and rather spoilt brat Israel that repeatedly flouts more United Nations resolutions than those of every other country on earth which have UN resolutions against them combined and persistently gets away with doing so because of the staunch and resolute military, political and diplomatic support, including that of your own Security Council veto that Britain, the United States and France accord it. So why pick on Libya? That’s a rhetorical question David, as everyone over 16 years old who isn’t blind, deaf, credulous or downright stupid already knows the answer to that particular one.


You see David we all recognize, primarily because we’re not stupid, that this deception that you’re trying your damnedest  to pull on us started out with your deliberate lies of humanitarian concerns and assistance for the Libyan people unasked for I must add by the vast majority of them except of course the cat’s-paws, MI6 and CIA Libyan puppets that you and your friends already had in place and on the ground in Libya and implicit in these lies although at the time of broadcasting them you skilfully refrained from ever disclosing them are what you now explicitly mentioning, specifically strategic interests (for whom I’d like to ask since the United Kingdom is without doubt a European country that’s physically and geographically removed from Libya that is on the African continent?) and oil. And the indecent haste with which Britain, France, the US, mainland Europe, Russia, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and completely unknown and unrepresentative body comically calling itself the transitional council illustrating in the process and on the part of the west all the hallmarks of Afghanistan in 1979 (Question: Don’t you silly assholes have the ability to learn from your past errors?) does nothing but to totally convince me, and I’m sure others as well with functioning brain cells in their heads that your quite unwarranted attacks on Libya and Colonel Gaddafi in particular and with whom you were all mutually doing rather lucrative business with right up to March 2011; whose armed forces up until that time as well Britain was training while providing arms to Colonel Gaddafi himself to fight the so-called Libyan revolutionaries which you have since switched sides to and are now supposedly supporting in a most convenient U turn after the toppling of the west’s strongmen in Tunisia and Egypt that you didn’t expect would happen and now needed a plausible replacement to show your disingenuous street cred with the real revolutionaries next door in Egypt and Tunisia (a scenario identical to that of General Galtieri and his Argentinean forces that Britain was training as per Libya’s case and inside the UK no less when another unprincipled Tory prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, for purely economic and domestic political concerns – she too was extremely unpopular at the time – launched the Falklands War.


So Britain has been here before and done so on numerous occasions, so your current escapades in Libya David don’t fool any sensible Brit since he or she knows perfectly well that they have much more to do with economic self-interest, pernicious greed and a complete deficiency on your part of even the most basic morality since you have none, than anything remotely connected with the well being of the Libyan people for whom Britain generally and you in particular David don’t actually give a monkey’s about, other than ensuring that those quislings willing to sell out their country, its sovereignty and independence; its natural resources and national dignity and worst of all its people to arrogant, incestuously inbred and colonialist creeps like you David deliver on the promises they made to you.


So answer me this question if you can or dare to Mr aristocratic Big shot, what would you think and more importantly do if while you were prime minister and leader of the UK London, Bradford and Leicester whose majority populations are now non-white concomitant with Labour strongholds in Wales and the whole of Scotland where the Scottish National Party (SNP) rules a country, for let’s not forget that’s exactly what Scotland is in its own right and from where not a single Conservative MP has been elected has elected to represent any part of Scotland in the House of Commons due to the fact that you and your Conservative Party have no democratic or popular support there (remind you of anything Mr Cameron, Benghazi vis-à-vis Tripoli for example?) were to unilaterally, as this Libyan enclave of democracy and human rights has clearly done in respect of the rest of Libya and with the your unequivocal collaboration and diplomatic support, opt out of their union with the rest of Britain, decide on a similar basis that your London based regime was unacceptable to them and you David could go fuck yourself as they wanted nothing further to do with you?


Then having made the above decisions they then summarily and publicly petitioned the world’s emerging superpowers to assist them militarily, diplomatically and economically in unshackling themselves completely from you and your Conservative Party as well as the several other corrupt and outright useless MPs on both sides of the House of Commons, help that was enthusiastically forthcoming; and as you and your Con-Dem partners tried with Labour to regain the initiative for your efforts you were bombed mercilessly and treated in exactly the same way that you and your allies are currently, dishonestly and barbarically treating Colonel Gaddafi and those Libyans that support him? Would you in all honesty be happy to be on the receiving end of your own methods of a particularly dirty, sadistic, nasty, malevolent and undeclared war against yourself and Britain as you appear to want Colonel Gaddafi to be in relation to himself and Libya? Would you equally be happy David to have cruise missiles, uranium tipped and other carcinogenic bombs dropped on where you, Samantha and your children, whether this was Number 10 Downing Street, Chequers or your own private residential home, spent the night and have those who did this, and always at night time, blithely and dishonestly declare these places to be military strategic assets and as such legitimate targets for attack?


And not satisfied with the above alone then resorted to using cluster bombs of the kind that are still maiming and killing thousands of innocent civilians unborn at the time these were initially dropped in Laos alone and where more bombs of all types were systematically dropped on that country than collectively throughout the entire Second World War, and significantly where some five million of these aforesaid cluster bombs still to this day scattered across the length and breadth of Laos would at the present rate of clear-up take 150 years to do so. But Britain is one of those countries that still refuse to ban the production and use of these weapons while manufacturing them in their millions, and the reasons are very simple from the perspective of a sick mind that is, as they’re rather cheap to produce, effective in the field of combat and can keep on murdering and terrorizing a population into submission that one has been at war with for decades if not hundreds of years; and as we saw in Libya in the case of the US and NATO dropping cluster bombs there accountability for their use can be publicly and vigorously denied, culpability dishonestly levelled at one’s adversary and with the western media firmly in the west’s saddle of rancorous propaganda its domestic public and that of the global one can be duped into believing whatever they are told, and invariably do.


So you see David it’s not nice or a good feeling to know that someone or persons out there actually want you and your close family members extrajudicially bumped off; to have your loyal supporters while implementing their constitutional right to resolutely defend their country through any means available to them against an unlawful aggressor as every Briton would if put in the same invidious position, to then have them unethically and illegally subjected to carcinogenic agents of death that are internationally proscribed and will horrifyingly affect generations of as yet unborn individuals because of their use, and against this nightmarish backdrop of premeditated murder of people who as yet are still unborn see your country the hapless victim of gratuitous and avaricious plunder and its infrastructure wilfully smashed to smithereens so the attackers and occupiers  can use its frozen assets to line the pockets of their friends and family members awarded massive, lucrative contracts to supposedly reconstruct the country, something that never happens as we’ve observed in Iraq and Afghanistan where billions of US dollars were and are still been stolen or corruptly siphoned off to favoured contractors who didn’t have to bid for these contracts because it was a done deal that they would get them, since without exception they were all vastly instrumental in instigating these wars  in the first place; and as they benefit enormously from their payoffs it’s the taxpayers of their home countries as well as the citizens and inhabitants of their victim countries that end up picking up the massive financial tab.


Were any of the above featured scenarios to strike or affect Britain you would be among the first David to cry foul and would want to wreak all manner of revenge on those responsible but you are a member of the Master Race and such things are unthinkable let alone disallowed where the likes of you are concerned and you have all the military might at your back to ensure it doesn’t happen. A cautionary tale your 20th Century Nazi predecessors also believed in their invincibility and even boasted that their Reich would last a thousand years. However, lesser and inferior mortals like the Libyan leader aren’t entitled to the same luxury of revenge that you accord yourself, even when its people like you David who are the instigators of the very crimes that they have to contend with and in the case of Britain, France and the United States in particular have an unenviable track record of this sort of Nazi-type barbarity as evil as it is long. And since persons like you always tend to have convenient memories please allow me to refresh yours with a small sample of some of the dreadful abuses of power and criminal acts that Britain, the United States and France are guilty of but were never punished for and if you and your pals were on the receiving end of them you would all have gone ballistic with rage and much more.


There was the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran done primarily to pacify the predecessor of BP. Mr Mossadeq the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran wanted that his country’s oil revenue should go to and b used for the benefit of the Iranian people, However the UK strenuously objected to this and wanted these to be di

spatched to Britain. The Iranians decided in a parliamentary vote to back their prime minister and have the Iranian oil company and its assets nationalized. Britain reacted furiously to this democratic expression of the Iranian people and with the full support of the US through the CIA overthrew Mr Mossadeq and his government, promptly replacing them with the despotic but western compliant puppet Shah who remit was to repress his country mercilessly on behalf of his puppet handlers, which he dependably did. However decades later with the Shah ousted and the Iranians again in control of their country and independence Iran quickly emerged in the mindset and from the perspective of the west, and particularly Britain and the United States, as public enemy Number 1; a situation which has everything to do with the fact that the government and people of Iran justifiably and resolutely refuse to bend their knees in any kind of servitude to the west. And therein lies the origins of the west’s fabricated hostility towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Milton Obote was popularly and democratically elected as President of Uganda. A proud African he absolutely detested the apartheid regime in South Africa and the west’s steadfast support for it. Already enjoying close links with South Africa these British-South African relationships became even closer under Margaret Thatcher and a key source of constant irritation to Milton Obote who was convinced that as long as Mrs Thatcher was Prime Minister of Britain things would only get worst for the rest of Africa as she purposefully set about strengthening the axis of friendship and economic cooperation between the two countries forging an inextricable bond between them that in turn would spell complete disaster for the rest of Africa, and to forestall this he mooted the idea that garnered huge support and momentum to have Britain suspended from the Commonwealth of Nations. It was as move which was audacious as it was breathtaking and similarly humiliating and embarrassing for Britain which is how Margaret Thatcher saw, since in religious terms it would be analogous to having the Pope and the Vatican kicked out of the Roman Catholic Church.


 The decision was to be made at the upcoming Commonwealth leader’s meeting in Singapore and in a pre-emptive strike to save fame and spare Britain a great humiliation Margaret Thatcher who had massive investments in South Africa together with her husband Denis and which she had kept secret from the British electorate even though the British media was aware of it but chose to say nothing, ordered MI6 to overthrow the democratically elected Milton Obote and his government and immediately replace them with the unelected and imposed Idi Amin expecting him to become Britain’s tame puppet. However when Idi Amin didn’t and from the perspective of Britain and its western partners went rogue he of course as with every placement leader who publicly falls out of favour with those who put them there became another bogeyman who the British government and its media felt they had to vilify and demonize, and they did buckets load. Yes you could say rightly say that these morons never learn and keep repeating the same mistakes.


Along the way other countries similarly came in for regime change and often for no other reason than that they decided to put the interests of their people as they’d promised them in their election manifestos before those of western countries or any other foreign entities come to that. The Congo (please Google Patrice Lumumba, Sese Seko Mobutu; the assassination of Patrice Lumumba) and British Guiana now independent Guyana (please also Google “The coup in British Guiana; and Dr Cheddi Jagan) also unfortunately endured similar fates at the behest of the United States and with Britain intentionally inciting racism in what in Guyana’s case as it is still and was then a decidedly multiracial country, and like the Congo is cursed with an abundance of important natural resources including, gold, oil and bauxite.


But Iraq and Afghanistan are also casualties even though they were not democratic entities by any stretch of the imagination. In the case of Afghanistan the west and NATO gave a load of rhetoric which was a pack of lies when they said they were still in the country to build up its infrastructure, having previously given an assortment of ever changing reasons as to why there were there in the first place. How many of you know for example that in Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, only 7% of the people living there have running water and that the vast majority of these are westerners who are in the country because of the occupation and are directly connected with the occupying NATO and Australian forces, the rest of the country likewise is without the luxury of running water. Now your and Britain’s latest targets are yet two more Arab and Muslim countries David, Syria and of course Libya. You ought to be careful mate one might even start thinking that you don’t like Arabs and Muslims unless of course they are despotic, rule their country with an iron fist on the behalf of the west and are filthy rich!


So let me put it to you again David, what right do you or any other leader of another country and particularly one in Europe or the white settler entities around the world who always act in unison with each other regardless of the immorality of your actions, such is the clan mindset among you, to say who should run another country in a completely different part of the world from yours and furthermore is a sovereign and independent state like your own?  What gives you the right David to play God with other peoples’ lives and to determine who lives and who dies and the manner in which they should be disposed of? And ought others who’ve observed this behaviour on your part and then decide to adopt your principal of self-declared omnipotence and arrogating to themselves the same rights you’ve given yourself be now equally entitled to plot your death, that of Samantha and your children together with all those who’re closely associated either professionally or socially with you and are themselves criminally and unconscionably causing the deaths of others in Syria, Iran, Iraq  and Pakistan through proxies and more openly in Afghanistan and Libya by your own efforts; or will you instead run whining and whingeing like a spoilt playground bully boy that has met his match to the Metropolitan Police and like Napoleon in Animal Farm who couldn’t brook any criticism even when it was perfectly justifiable have that individual indicted and incarcerated as a terrorist? In that case David, be my guest! For if that hypothetical person doesn’t have those aforementioned rights why should you David Cameron or others who feel they can act as you do with impunity and get away with it?


Surely the right to remove the leader of any country whether he or she is democratically elected or arbitrarily imposed on the population of that country ought to be the select right and decision of the local people there not that of outsiders and particularly not those who have an unenviable record of colonialism, racism and imperialism and are very well known for meddling, specifically motivated by economic self-interest, in the domestic affairs of other countries. It’s the people of Europe, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Israel – the so-called international community from the perspective of whites only and their quislings I must add – who always make this choice in respect of themselves and would violently oppose any outsider doing it for them under any kind of circumstance, so why then shouldn’t Libyans, Syrians, Iranians or the citizens of any number of other countries that this so-called international community doesn’t like for a variety of well known and perverse reasons not have the same rights when its comes to their own sovereign states?


How about a few analytical remarks by spectators like me David why you embark on what you do and furthermore feel that you have a god given right to behave as you do. You do it because of this myth of white superiority and an engrained sense of entitlement those proverbial flat earth morons like you tenaciously hang on to. Ours is a nuclear country with stockpiles of nuclear weapons that Britain and the rest of the nuclear club have no intention of ever giving up even as you continue to upgrade these contrary to the spirit and law of the NPT, even so you do your damnedest to coerce intimidate and bulldoze everyone else but your pals in NATO, New Zealand and Australia that are under NATO nuclear protection anyway and Israel, which possesses even more nukes than Britain has, and will move heaven and earth to prevent countries like Iran getting such weapons although it has categorically and publicly stated it has no need of them, statements of guarantees but which you intentionally turn a deaf ear to because of your personal agenda towards that country and also because you and your western allies are such pathological liars David that you automatically tend to judge everyone you dislike by your own abysmally low standards.


You do it too David because Britain like France, even though it’s 2011, a new century and a world which is far removed from that of 1945, is allowed, and risibly so in both cases, to continue having permanent seats and corresponding vetoes in what’s evidently a demonstrably corrupt UN Security Council which is cynically and self-interestedly dictated to at all times by the United States and its offstage Zionist, congressional and administration backers pushing policies that you acquiescently subscribe to. And you obviously do it because you have at your ready disposal a mafia constructed and run NATO bully boy outfit to browbeat, terrorize and kill all those whom you subjectively and without good reason  show displeasure against and childishly want out of the way. And in tandem with NATO there’s another private but equally corrupt construct that you’ve disingenuously assign the assignation international to when it’s nothing of the kind to do the bidding of the west of which Britain is an integral part. I’m referring hereof course to the so-called International Court (ICC) the seemingly cordial face of commendable jurisprudence but underneath is just as abhorrent and nasty as NATO is and in some instances much worst; the west’s rather sick and perverse version of good cop bad cop to similarly remove from sight through its sinister, dishonest and corrupt practices all those that NATO didn’t manage to assassinate but whom it’s absolutely necessary from your venal and superciliously instilled, imperialistic self-interests David to nevertheless permanently have out of the way, fully cognisant that no matter how heinous your crimes and those of your like-minded ilk are you won’t ever be brought before this court which the west has cynically set up. How am I doing so far David?


And you do it too of course David because you know that the domestic populations of Britain and its allies are basically cowards, ill-informed at best or adopt the attitude that what you and your ilk are doing won’t affect them and therefore they shouldn’t because they have no cause to worry; not dissimilar in the last circumstance to the mindset of most Europeans during Europe’s last principal holocaust as the Nazis, your 20th Century ancestors, came for the Jews and nothing at all was ever said or done  by those observing this to help them because they weren’t Jews. Progressively others were rounded up and taken away for elimination, among them communists, the handicapped, trade unionists and dissidents, yet there were always bystanders who knew and saw what was going on but neither said nor did anything to stop it because they selfishly decided that it didn’t personally impact on or affect them and therefore smugly deluded themselves it never would and so they had nothing to worry about, until that forever life-changing day in their own lives when the Nazis came for them and to their horror, consternation, utter shock and alarm they suddenly realized the extent to which their apathy and disinterest had created an environment where they too now had no one to speak up for them or intervene positively on their behalf.


Doubtlessly David you’re totally aware of the activities and proclivities of your Nazi predecessors and judging from the direction in which, without any mandate from the British electorate to do so, you’re dogmatically and remorselessly pushing our country I would venture that you also secretly revel in them; all the more reason for the British public to wake up and quite soon I would counsel from the comatose state it has allowed itself to be induced into and consequently has sleepwalked for sometime now, to get a firm grip on itself and learn from the rather harsh lessons of experience that the German were forced at the hands of their Nazis.

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