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October 8 2014 3 08 /10 /October /2014 14:37



By Stanley Collymore



I know it’s only a short while ago that I told you I love

you, and while it might seem a bit much to be saying

it again so soon afterwards the fact of the matter

is that I really do. And for me the reason

is unmistakably clear and quite straightforward,

since singlehandedly it was you that significantly

straightened out and thoroughly transformed

for the better the once troubled life that

I led, turning the recipient of that

propitious favour into the

man that’s now me.


And although inwardly I’m very reluctant to

scale back the frequency with which I’d

like to tell you constantly how very

much I love you I none the less

do realize and fully understand for

obvious reasons – embarrassment

on your part being one of

them – that I must; but even so I do

sincerely hope that this enforced

decision on my part doesn’t in

any way serve to detract

from what I consciously

and, dare I say, quite

unashamedly feel

for you deep

within my



© Stanley V. Collymore

10 May 2014.






Love has no boundaries of its own and as such can sometimes lead the dispenser of it into regrettably intolerable and even impossible situations where realistically it could never or should be reciprocated. Even so the tenacity of love can at times be so compellingly strong that reality loses its meaning provided, of course, that it ever came into the equation in the first place.

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